Dirt and Divination: A Witch’s Guide to Cemetery Rituals
How about a field trip to the local cemetery to connect with the dead? Not what you thought I would say, right? Well, my witches, let’s dig in.
Traditionally, we think of connecting to the dearly departed near Samhain. But really any time of year works, especially as we approach the colder months when the veil is thin and we long for the warmth of summer’s kiss.
Most of us have an odd relationship with death because we have never been taught to honor the process of life and death, to honor the transitions of life. Walking the spiral has taught me a lot about letting everything go as soon as I receive it so I can begin the journey again. However, right now we will walk the cemetery and make friends with the dead.
The Sacred Art of Collecting Graveyard Dirt
One of the practices I engage in is collecting graveyard dirt. This is usually only collected from our own loved ones’ graves, and when done, you should only be taking a small bit. If you are taking from other graves or cemeteries, it should only be with an experienced practitioner. You don’t want to disturb or attach anything unwanted to yourself. I use this dirt to make a destruction oil or binding oil I use in spell work.
When collecting the dirt, the spirit who once inhabited the body should be asked for permission before you take any, and the smallest amount possible should be taken. Using a silver spoon for protection is essential, as many witches wear silver, me included, because it is a highly protective metal. If you feel called to the cemetery and you aren’t sure why, you may have a draw to weaving magick or what some refer to as hedge craft. The cemetery is a liminal space like the beach where the sand meets the water or at a creek where the trees grow close to the water and the dirt just before the water’s edge. It’s because you enter the liminal space between the worlds. Cemeteries are the same. Always leave an offering when visiting the cemetery; this can be flowers or a more traditional offering like money. I teach about this in my course, The Way of the Witch.
Connecting with the Spirits
Like an altar used as a portal to the Divine, a grave site can be a doorway to the Spirit. Most spirits don’t hang out at the cemetery, but they will go there with their loved ones. I mean, it’s much more fun to watch us live our lives than it is to sit in a boring cemetery. However, just because you hang out there doesn’t necessarily mean you will encounter those who have passed on.
Some spirits are at graveyards and cemeteries, and many witches even do spellwork there. I don’t usually do spell work at cemeteries because I feel like every headstone and body laid to rest is similar to an altar dedicated to the existence of that life lived, so I’m very intentional about what I do there. I read headstones and place my hands on them, close my eyes, and connect to the spirit when I feel called. I notice what spirits I feel are there at the grave and what spirits aren’t.
Do you feel called to a certain grave? If you do, pick the weeds and clean it up a bit. Sit there and offer a song, bring flowers, leave a crystal, and ask the spirit to communicate with you. Ask the spirit if they’ve started a new life or if they are waiting to reincarnate and what their life was like. Notice the thoughts that enter your mind that might not be your own. This is a great way to open your third eye and heal your relationship with death. Let’s face it, the witch wound has made us all fear and dread death. Coming to a graveyard intentionally to heal your witch wound is a great way to start trusting the spiral of life.
One more thing before I say farewell for now, and this is important to know before leaving a cemetery: always stop your car outside the gates, turn in a circle three times, and stomp your left foot three times while saying - you are not mine to hold be gone. This will ensure you don’t take on any unwanted attachments, and be sure to express gratitude to the spirits and the land, leave an offering, and thank them for their presence and guidance. This respect and acknowledgment help maintain the balance and honor the sacredness of the space.
Blessed be.