Discover the enchanting allure of Mystic Witch Desert Rose Oil, a luxurious blend crafted from nourishing rose hip oil, designed to pamper your entire body. This gentle yet effective oil is safe for use on all skin types, providing deep hydration and a soothing touch that enhances your natural beauty. Just as the desert rose will bloom at night so will your yoni, this oil is uniquely blended to soften the skin of the yoni. Instructions included on the bottle for seed sounds to tone as you massage into your yoni heart and throat. Is good for the entire body.
Ideal for softening the delicate yoni area, this exquisite oil promotes a sense of self-care and empowerment, making it a perfect addition to your wellness routine. Please note that this product is for external use only, ensuring you can indulge in its benefits with confidence.
Embrace the magick of Mystic Witch Desert Rose Oil and treat yourself to the nurturing experience your body deserves.
Desert Rose Oil
4 ounce bottle